Tuesday, July 28, 2009


  1. That's such a great photo. Is it one of yours?

  2. photo i took of my glmorous frieng hannah at my last summer pool party for thandi's birthday.

  3. Julie,
    For a minute I thought that was an old picture of mom. Doesn't it kind of look like it could be her? It is a beautiful photo and I am so glad you got a chance to take it.
    I love you,

  4. You are famous! I just read about you in my issue of women cancer magazine. When I saw your blog name I knew it was you. What a great article. You should be very proud. LIVESTRONG!

  5. Julie, I loved talking to you so much at the pool party, and wish i could express how honored I feel to have made it on to your amazing blog. Cliche cliche, but true true: I have been thinking about you every day since then, and wanted to make sure you knew I LOVE this photo, and I am a big ham.. So, should you need a poser, I am waiting for my close-up.

  6. Angie!

    I thought the same thing! I must have looked at the picture for a solid 10 minutes trying to figure who it was. Your mom and sister and you are even more beautiful.

    Aunt Theresa
